What is the problem?

The borders of the European Union are becoming testbeds for invasive new technology

Why it matters?

Facial recognition, voice recognition iris scanning and predictive decision-making are used to mark individuals as "risky", deny them access and take away their freedoms. The testing of these invasive technologies at borders normalizes the algorithmic othering and discrimination of people on the move. Under the premise of public safety, similar technologies and practices spread through our cities and towns, too.

The Future we want

We want a future without these invasive and de-humanizing border technologies. Where companies making it are regulated properly, and do not use refugees as guinea pigs for experimental technology.

sketch of an individual pondering

Our project

We wanted to make people see that there these dehumanizing border technologies are closer to their lives than they might think.

Want to dive deeper into our project and see how it came to life at the Berlin central train station?

Try the experience

Have you missed encountering our captive portal in a live situation? Experience it in its web version.

Build it yourself

Although started in Berlin, we hope this project could be replicated across Europe, since it is open-source, and cheap to produce.

We want it to live as a toolkit for others to bring Argus's WiFi into their cities.

So that more people can stumble upon, and take action against, the dangers of invasive militaro-industrial border technologies.

Get started
rolling symbol

Take Action

Want to take action against these border technologies? Add your name to Reclaim Your Face's petition to get the EU to create a new law specifically prohibiting biometric mass surveillance. Because without intervention, facial recognition can and will be used against each of us by governments and corporations.

logo for the reclaim your face campaign

The Team

We are a group of artists, designers, academics, developers and concerned citizens based in Germany and the Netherlands.

This project was created and supported by Utrecht-based IMPAKT and Berlin-based School of Machines, Magic and Make-Believe, through the CODE NL-D program.

Team: Etta, Helin, Lizzie, Lukas, Luna, Pierre, Sara, Sarah, Saeeda & Stephanie.